Adaptive Athletics


What is Adaptive Athletics.

Adaptive Athletes is an individualized, once per week, 45-minute 1-on-1 functional mobility and movement class for individuals with a wide range of diverse physical and intellectual needs. Taylor Peterson, D.C., takes pride in his ability to deliver a fun, functional, and challenging class focused on games and activities designed to improve fine and gross motor movements. These patterns of strength and movement are built through a plethora of everyday activities such as: sit, stand, walk, push, pull, jog, carry, coordination, and balance. Additionally, Athletes develop social and behavior skills such as increased attention span, self-regulation, and following instructional guidance, while receiving positive encouragement in a natural environment that builds self-confidence. Each program is specifically designed with goals set by parents while keeping in mind the ability each athlete already possesses.


To provide Rochester’s adaptive community a Fun, Functional, and Challenging strength and mobility class geared towards all adaptive athlete’s in a 1-on-1 setting.


Developing a safe, encouraging, and energetic environment were the athlete’s can build confidence through functional strength and mobility movements translating to everyday activities.


Individualized, 1-on-1, classes at Attain Chiropractic & Wellness or in-home.

Individualized, 45 minute 1-on-1, functional strength and mobility class for individuals with a wide range of diverse physical and intellectual needs.

Each class focuses on developing mobility and movement patterns through challenging, fun, and functional games and activities. Classes also intended to promote confidence, social skills, and strength through a plethora of functional movements such as; walking, pushing, pulling, squatting, lifting, coordination and balance.

Every program is specifically designed for each individual and their abilities.


One Session consists of 4 classes per month, 1 class per week. Times and days are flexible


Cost per session for in clinic is $580 ($145 Per Class)

Cost per session for in-home is $700 ($175 Per Class)


Payment options include

  • Family Support Grants

  • Consumer Support Grants

  • Cash/Check

  • Card Payment

  • MRCI


  • PICS